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Brunel Field Primary School

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At Brunel Field Primary School, we aim to offer an ambitious and motivating History education that gives pupils the skills required to become a historian. Children will explore concepts of change, cause, similarities, differences and significance of historical events and, in doing so, will ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence,sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. We want the children to develop their chronological awareness, understand the diverse influences of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, gain a sense of their own identity and appreciate how events from the past have influenced our lives today. Bristol is well known for its rich heritage and, at Brunel Field Primary School, we make full use of the resources in our immediate and wider local area to deepen children’s understanding of local history.


At Brunel Field, a blocked curriculum approach has been implemented to ensure coverage and progression. From KS2, this is taught in a sequentially coherent way. By the end of Year 6, we aim that children have a secure understanding of British history from The Stone Age to the present day and are able to draw comparisons and make connections between these time periods. Teaching and learning across the school is centered around a carefully planned enquiry question which pupils return to each lesson and aim to answer. Teaching is also driven by the children’s own questions and interests. History is taught as a discrete subject, though meaningful crosscurricular links are exploited where possible, particularly with Geography and English, to strengthen understanding for pupils. At Brunel Field, we believe in using high-quality literature across the curriculum. Class libraries contain literature, both fiction and non-fiction, which link to and support history teaching which the children may independently access. Class teachers also aim to choose historical fiction for their class read-aloud books. Our practical, hands-on approach to learning and the enrichment opportunities our pupils have stimulate their curiosity and enthusiasm in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. Children go on many trips linked to their history learning and/or have specialists come to school as part of their learning journey. As part of our whole school Core Learning Skills approach, during the ‘Independence and Responsibility’ term, children create projects for the Key Stage 2 History Museum where families and other year groups are invited to share in their learning. Classrooms have dedicated history displays which highlight key vocabulary, taught content and celebrates children’s learning. Books and planning slides will give insight to the rich discussions that classes are having and the high-level questions that are planned to actively challenge and deepen pupils’ understanding.