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Brunel Field Primary School

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The school’s general duties with regard to equality are:​

  • Eliminating discrimination​
  • Fostering good relationships​
  • Advancing equality of opportunity​

We will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any staff member, pupil, prospective pupil, or other member of the school community because of their:​

  • Sex​
  • Age​
  • Race​
  • Disability​
  • Religion or belief​
  • Sexual orientation​
  • Gender reassignment​
  • Pregnancy or maternity​
  • Marriage and civil partnership​

At Brunel Field Primary School, we believe that equality is at the heart of good educational practice. It enables staff and pupils to feel secure in their environment; an environment free from prejudice which fosters the fundamental belief that all children deserve the right to equal opportunities in education. The values which we uphold as a school help to emphasise and promote equality for all staff and pupils. ​

​Commitment ​

At Brunel Field Primary School, we are committed to providing all members of the community with equal opportunities to fulfil their potential, irrespective of race, religion, gender, language, disability or family background. We will ensure equality and equity in all we do, aiming to give our pupils and staff the confidence to embrace who they are physically, socially and culturally. We are committed to providing staff with the appropriate training to support initiatives designed to ensure equality of provision and gain a fuller understanding of the contexts from which the members of our community derive. In developing this understanding, we aim to provide support where necessary to ensure equal access to information and opportunities where there may be social, financial or cultural barriers preventing this.​


We will focus on eliminating prejudices and stereotypes within our school community and educate our pupils to celebrate difference, show compassion and respect the faiths, races, genders and experiences of others. Developing an understanding of the value of compassion towards others is a cornerstone of our whole school Core Learning Skills approach. ​


We will challenge discriminatory behaviours and work to foster positive attitudes and relationships within and outside of school. Our goal is to develop a shared sense of belonging to one community which celebrates diversity and where everyone feels safe, secure and able to share their experiences confidently. We will listen to concerns and implement appropriate actions to resolve issues. ​

Joy ​

We are committed to providing an environment where a feeling of security and mutual respect enables all members of the community to feel joy and enthusiasm for life-long learning. ​

Click here to view our equalities objectives for 2024-27.​