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Brunel Field Primary School

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Communication & Reporting


How to get in touch with a member of school staff​

There are several ways that you can get in touch with a staff member:​​

Face to face in the mornings​

Every morning there is a member of the school leadership team at the front and back gates. You can pass on a message to the class teachers via these adults.​

For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, you can speak to a member of the year group team when handing over your child.​

KS2 children are collected from the playground by their teachers at 8.45am. It is sometimes possible to speak briefly to the class teacher.​

Face to face after school​

Class teachers in all year groups dismiss their children to parents/carers at the end of the day. You can catch the class teacher for a brief chat then.​​

Phone calls and emails​

Call or email the office to pass on a message to the class teacher or member of the senior leadership team, to ask to arrange a meeting or to ask for a call back. Please be aware that class teachers may not respond immediately due to teaching responsibilities.​

Call or email the office to report any changes in pick-up arrangements. Please do so as early as possible so we can inform the class teacher before the end of the day.​

Phone: 0117 353 2471​

Email: brunelfield.p@bristol-schools.uk

Staying up to date with what is happening in school​

On our calendar, newsletters and letters pages, you will find up to date information about what is happening in school and any upcoming events.​

Our Year Group pages contain yearly and termly overviews, so you can see what your child is learning this term.​​


We have two parents' evenings a year, to one of which your child will be invited. These meetings will take place early in Term 2 and Term 4.​

At the start of Term 3, you will receive a short report containing information about your child's attainment.​

In Term 6, you will receive their end of year report which will summarise their progress, attainment and attendance.​​

Trips and assemblies​

Volunteering to help on trips, joining us for whole school events, class assemblies and other performances or coming along to PSA events are all great ways to get a feel for school life. We welcome the opportunity to invite families in to celebrate the wonderful learning at Brunel Field!​